Like a Tree | Free Printable Devotion
Today I have a surprise for you! I have collaborated with a friend of mine, Bethany Lee at, to create a free printable devotion that you can download along with beautiful journaling goodies that you are going to love! Seriously, we are so excited to share this with you today.

Bethany is a friend and former student of mine (We won’t talk about the age difference) who shares her creativity and love for Jesus on her blog. She does lots of DIY projects, but she especially loves Bible journaling and has even taught some classes on it. She approached me about writing a short devotion that she could jazz up along with some Bible journaling printables.

The devotion is about the blessings and fruitfulness of staying connected to Jesus through His Word. You can download the devotion here, then hop on over to Bethany’s blog so you can download her beautiful artwork to go with it. I hope you are blessed by this collaboration. If so, we may do it again!
Click here to get the free printable devotion “Like a Tree.”
By the way, we would love to see your Bible journaling creations, so share your pics on social media with the hashtag #likeatreedevo and feel free to share this post with all your friends!
Click here to go to Bethany’s blog and download your free printable journaling goodies!

Need more encouragement to stay in the Word daily? Join my FOCUSED 15 Challenge!
What a great idea! I love the article and Bethany’s designs. What a blessing to be able to express your love of the Word through word and art!
Isn’t her artwork beautiful? I love how God gives us talents we can use together to accomplish one goal for His glory!
I just printed this off! Thank you for providing this!
My pleasure! I hope you enjoy your quiet time with Jesus!