Helping you find
Time & focus to get in the Word and grow your faith.
Get practical strategies and helpful resources for spiritual growth.
Many of us have struggled to find time and focus to grow our relationship with God. But spiritual growth is not about having a perfect plan or checking off a list of religious requirements. It’s about getting to know God through His Word and letting that Word change us. Get the strategies and resources to make that practical in your everyday life.
Grow your understanding of the Bible
Anatomy of the Bible Course
Anatomy of the Bible is a 10-session study series designed to help you understand how all the Bible fits together through history, culture, and time.
With video instruction and printable worksheets, you can go through the study series at your own pace, gaining valuable knowledge that will increase your understanding and fuel your desire to learn more.
When we don’t stay in the Word, we don’t grow. Relationships are harder, work suffers, real ministry is impossible, and our hearts grow discontent. That’s because apart from Him, we can do nothing. And His Word is the truth we need to walk in day by day. Be inspired and challenged with these devotionals and Bible studies for spiritual growth.
Sign up for one of our courses, such as our habit-building experience to help you form holy habits of discipleship or our popular Anatomy of the Bible course to learn the chronological and cultural context of the Bible so you can understand it, apply it, and grow your faith.
Get encouraged, inspired, and challenged to seek Jesus with passion and grow in your walk with the Lord. Women’s events, banquets, Bible studies, and conferences are all opportunities to grow in the Word and fellowship with other women. Check out my speaking schedule, my statement of faith, or contact me to schedule an event.
Free resources to help you grow your faith
God’s Word changes our lives. But finding daily time to study the Bible is a challenge for most women. That’s why I created this Quiet Time Guide. It’s a step-by-step planner to help you get started and stay consistent with daily time at His feet.
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How Theology Impacts Your Spiritual Growth
Theology matters. I know it’s popular to believe that as long as we have a relationship with God, religious ideas,…
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Why Christians Must Engage with Culture
Have you ever had a conversation with someone whose worldview differs from yours? You likely struggled to know how to…
Advent Traditions with Purpose: Making the Season Meaningful
The holiday rush begins earlier each year. Christmas displays appear before Halloween, and Black Friday now starts on Monday. In…
Devotional Reading vs. Bible Study
Richard of Chichester (1197-1253) wrote a prayer that ended with this plea: “O most merciful Redeemer, Friend, and Brother, may…